
  • W, A, S, and D or arrow keys to move, Spacebar to pause/unpause


  • collectibles
    •  blue spinning squares
    • variable lifetimes dependent on the current score
    • color fades at half-life, and again at 1/4 life
    • -1 heart if not collected in time
  •  heart pickups
    • yellow spinning hearts
    • short lifetimes
    • available after 125 score
    • grab to gain back a heart
    • no penalty for not collecting
    • is it worth the detour???
  • enemies
    • grayscale + slightly transparent
    • have random timers for lifetime (10-45 seconds)
    • start spawning after 150 score
    • will patrol an area
    • will chase the player if too close
    • on touch, -1 heart + despawn
  • walls
    • take up entire cells
    • total active count = half total cell count (42 max)
    • have random timers for lifetime (10-99 seconds)
    • have a chance to oscillate size
    • have a chance to be passable (first 1/2 of lifetime) + slightly transparent
    • on despawn, respawn in a new cell

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